Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Almost over

Hey all!

My second year as a teacher in GA is coming to an end! Only 12 more days!!

This will also be my last year at this school, I am moving to a new school (in the same county) and I will also be teaching 1st grade!! I am very excited :)

Just to give you some background on my new school...
The school will be 95% Hispanic and 100% free and reduced lunch.


JB12516 said...

HEY eRICA anne and JB# 2
I MIss u guys im glad u are happy and moving to a new school thatll be fun and i cant wait for u to come home and drink pinacoladas in the ard and catch up thigns are crazy here nto in a great way ill explain on the phone
love u

Sean said...

Figures.. 100% free lunches for a bunch of degenerates who can't even speak english. God Bless America. BTW - HI!!!!

Dani and Chris said...

you'll fit right in blondie!!